Meet Ilja and Fleur

About Us

At In Search Of we offer people and couples a safe place to investigate, grow and connect. It’s an expression of who we are and what we value in our own relationship.

Meet Ilja and Fleur

About Us

At In Search Of we offer people and couples a safe place to investigate, grow and connect. It’s an expression of who we are and what we value in our own relationship.

Our first conversation, on the phone, lasted almost four hours. We were immediately fond of each other and wanted to share everything. That hasn’t change since.

But our relationship has evolved over the years. In part because of the good and bad we lived through. And in part because of the dark and light parts we found in each other.

We made the decision to prioritise our relationship, to look in the mirror and to learn from each other. Often, we sought professional help, individually and as a couple.

And we continue to do this, because there are still days we clash and revert to our old patterns.

Nowadays, we are gentle about this, playful even. We have learnt that every painful moment provides an opening towards growth and connection. Something we look for, out of curiosity and love.

Over ons - Ilja & Fleur

After everything that happened, we feel tenderness and respect for one another. We see and know each other and are grateful for our life together, our beautiful family and our close family ties.

Our work as a therapist is an extension of this path of ours. It ads joy and depth to our relationship, but is also a source of clashes and frustrations. Not easy, but definitely rewarding.

Everything is already here and everything is ok. The way it has been since the very beginning.

Ilja van In Search Of

Ilja van Roon

I like to learn, create, go on adventures, and explore my inner world. The name In Search Of reflects that. It is also an invitation to my clients to follow their own path in life.

My own path has been far from straightforward. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety, and an inability to attach myself to people. In brief succession my niece, my only sister and my eldest son passed away. And marriage and parenthood have brought out both the best and the worst in me.

As I approach 50, I see myself as a mature beginner. I am more and more at home in myself, but still have my personal struggles. I easily connect, but like to keep to myself. I am brave and generous, but can be blunt and fierce. I can see some’s core, but sometimes forget myself. I am playful, but can take things too seriously.

Fleur is the most important person in my life. She is my love, my mirror and my companion. I admire her lightness, spirituality and the quiet self-assuredness with which she is unfolding herself. Our therapy practice is an expression of our shared journey and it is priceless to me.

Aikido is my other love. Although I train irregularly – a tough lesson I have yet to learn – Aikido nourishes my soul. On the mat I awaken and learn humility, surrender, freedom and harmony. I once described myself as a loving warrior and Aikido is an inextricable part of my path.

In fact, practicing Aikido and being a therapist are two sides of the same coin. Being a therapist challenges me to connect deeply, be sincere and to let go of what no longer serves me. It is also a continuous exercise in love and truthfulness.

I am slowly getting to a place where it is less important in my work which instrument I use. Instead of applying the work of others, I make more room for my own insights and the development of my own working methods. For those who value it, below is a list of my qualifications.

  • Gottman Method Couples Therapy, The Gottman Institute, US
  • First year Haptotherapy Training, the Netherlands
  • Haptonomy Foundations, the Netherlands
  • Inner Child Therapy certification, Pat Wyman, US
  • Generative Trance, Stephen Gilligan, US
  • Coach training, Coach University, US
  • NLP Master Practitioner, Robert Dilts, US
  • NLP Practitioner, PPD, UK
  • Work in the Enneagram, hypnotherapy, focusing, non-violent communication, family constellations and Feldenkrais
  • MBTI certification, the American Management Association, US
  • Black belt in Aikido (shodan)
  • Master in Corporate Communications, RSM University, The Netherlands
Fleur van In search of

Fleur van Roon-Heuzinkveld

For as long as I can remember I have been searching for meaning and trying to live my life consciously. I have also been interested in people and our inner workings; in what drives us and in how we can develop into free and harmonious beings.

This gives me a curious attitude when working with clients, in which I make room for what is without judging. This also stems from my experience that the most difficult experiences can be our best teachers.

Like many of my female clients, I experienced traumatic events around my sexuality in my youth. For a long time, mistrust, fear, and control took hold of me, and they still get the better of me from time to time.

This burden invites me to search for my way back to freedom and confidence in my body and my heart. Here, Gurdjieff’s work is of great value to me. It invites me to get to know myself in new ways and experience myself differently.

Music and eurythmy, for which I am currently training, also inspire me; they teach me to let beauty and pleasure arise in the moment, free from expectations and the need to perform. This is steadily finding its way into how I am as a therapist.

All in all, it is not an easy path, but I am dedicated and always face up to the difficulties within myself. I invite my clients to do the same, to search for what is nourishing and illuminating in every experience.

I live and work with warmth, empathy and patience. I am sensitive and easily connect with others. At the same time, I am intelligent and analytical and I want to understand people. I am guided by ideals and strive for mastery in what I do. In this I am result-oriented and decisive, without being dogmatic.

I am inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner and his view of humanity influences the way I work with people. My daughters, however, are my biggest inspiration.

Various disciplines come together in my work, including:

  • Eurithmy (University of Applied Sciences, Leiden)
  • Gottman Method Couples Therapy (The Gottman Institute)
  • Inner child therapy certification (Pat Wyman – 3Keys)
  • Systemic support during divorce (Kita Bronda – Kind en Ik
  • Holistic Family Therapy (Sylvia Leegwater – Dreamchild)
  • Work in the Enneagram, MBTI, (step)parenting, family constellations, anthroposophy and meditation
  • Post-Bachelor Human Resources Management (NCOI)
  • Master in Public Administration (Free University Amsterdam)
  • Bachelor in Integrated Communications Management (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)